Helping cats and dogs live their healthiest lives.

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Royal Canin Vet Nurse Webinar Series 2022: Handling Patients with Toxicities this Holiday Season

Laura Nicole Bennington
BSc(Hons) Veterinary Nursing VN (RCVS) VTS(ECC)
Dr. Julie Summerfield
Royal Canin Scientific Services Veterinarian
7 December 2022
ID: 1842
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December is the beginning of the holiday season, and fortunately for many it is synonymous with family gatherings and food. However, unfortunately not all pet owners are aware of the variety of different foods that can be toxic to their pets when ingested. In particular, chocolate ingestion has a unique seasonal pattern which merits highlighting this risk to clients, particularly in the run-up to Christmas as chocolate becomes more accessible within the household.1

Do you know how to calculate the chocolate dose for decontamination after exposure, or which other foods and plants commonly cause toxicities in cats and dogs?

This webinar will take you through the common foods that are toxic to your patients which you may come across throughout the festive season. Royal Canin Scientific Services Veterinarian Dr. Julie Summerfield will host Veterinary Technician Specialist in Emergency, critical care and registered Vet Nurse, Laura Bennington who will discuss triaging toxicities and safely performing common decontamination techniques. Plus, the etiology of common toxins, what adverse effects vet nurses must monitor for, and specific treatments they require based on current literature.

CPD points are available for watching this webinar live or viewing it on-demand for up to seven days after it airs for Vet Nurses (AVNAT & NZVNA).

1Heightened risk of canine chocolate exposure at Christmas and Easter. Noble, Newman et al (The Veterinary Record 2017 Dec 23 181(25): 684.)
Laura Nicole Bennington
Laura qualified with a BSc(Hons) in Veterinary Nursing from Napier University in Edinburgh back in 2010 and became a registered VN with the RCVS.

In 2015 she moved to Australia and started her journey into emergency and critical care, working as a Team Leader and eventually 2IC in an ICU/Emergency department at a busy referral clinic.

In 2022 she moved on to head her own Emergency and Critical Care department at a new hospital and also started her side business 'Veterinary Emergency Specialty Training' aka VEST so that she could share her experience and knowledge to help others learn and develop in the area of ECC. Check out her Instagram page @Laurarvn.vest

Dr. Julie Summerfield
Dr. Julie Summerfield graduated from University of Sydney in 1995 and has worked in small animal practice in Sydney and London.

Julie has held positions within Animal Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing, Pet Insurance and is now proud to be a Sydney based Scientific Services Veterinarian for Royal Canin.

She also has had vast experience in Broadcast media in both Australia and the UK, through writing, production, presenting, and also as a commercial spokesperson, advisor and consultant with various Animal Health Companies. Special interests include Pet Behaviour, Small Animal Nutrition, Dermatology, general pet care and education.

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